Tuesday, 15 May 2012

End Tasks - 30% of Final Mark - May 10 - June 13

Students were assigned their end-tasks last week and are now working in their groups to create their final performances.  Attendance is required not just for their own group's performance, but also to be audience for the other members of the class.  Part of the task is to write a review of the others' performances.  Posted below is the description of the end task as well as the calendar of due dates that each student has been given.  Also posted below are the checklists for the promotional/production elements so that students can make sure their work is correct before they hand it in.  The performance rubric is posted under the giant calendar in the drama room and has also been provided to each student.  They are responsible for keeping all their work in their group's folder in the classroom.  Any student who works at home on this material is reminded to e-mail it to him/herself (and copy it to someone else in the group) so it is accessable at school.

ADA 100 End Task      -  30% of Final Mark

May 10 – June 13, 2012

Over the next 5 weeks you will have the opportunity to apply all of your knowledge, skills and abilities to create and develop a masterpiece!  Please keep track of your time and personal responsibilities to make sure that you and your group will be the best that you can be.  Although you are working in a group, as part of an ensemble, you are marked as an individual. 

NOTE:  There is no such thing as a ‘late mark’ for these elements.  Deadlines must be met in the performing arts. 


One Page of Script (your monologue, plus preceding and succeeding lines for context)     /15
Production/Marketing Materials (each member of group responsible for one item)          /10
Performance (read the requirements carefully)                                                                   /50
Play Review (read and follow the instructions carefully)                                                      /20
Self-Evaluation (reflective questions)                                                                                     /5

1.       Select one (1) of the following statements around which to create your performance:

a)     What Comes Around, Goes Around
b)     The Me Nobody Knows
c)      Do You Remember When?
d)     The Big Game
e)     Do you believe in Magic?
f)       I Could Have Died
2.      Your performance will have at least three scenes and will be 15 - 20 minutes in length.

Must Include All of These
Choose THREE Of These To Include

·         Mime
·         Tableau
·         Music
·         Monologues (each person, 30 seconds, a soliloquy or an aside which you have written yourself; ie: original –originates with you!)

·         Narration
·         Inside/Outside voices
·         Captions
·         Use of the stone/island flat
·         Sound effects
·         Special lighting effects

May 14


Group Outline due.

Stage Use:

Stage Use:

Stage Use:

Rm 119
One of page script due. 15%

Stage Use:

Stage Use:

Stage Use:

Stage Use:

30 Promotional/Production Element due.  10%
Stage Use:

Stage Use:

June 1
Stage Use:

Block D: Brady’s group’s performance (canoe trip) 50%

5 Block D – assembly

Block B:
     Stage use:

Performance exams 50%

Performance exams 50%

Performance exams 50%

11 Grade 9 EQAO Math
Play Review
Lab Rm. 119

Play Review  Due 20%
Lab Rm. 119
13   Grade 9 EQAO Math
Self-Evaluation 5%
Those other courses’ exams begin.
Study hard and do your best.
Everything you do is a self-portrait.

Evaluation                                                       ADA10/20 End Task

Due Date
% of End Task Mark
May 23, 2012
One Page of Script

        Proper use of fonts for clear communication to actor/director

        Clear communication of playwright’s intent, either through character lines OR stage directions

May 30, 2012
Promotional Element
In my group, I am responsible for:

Poster  Ticket  Programme
Newspaper ad
30 second radio spot

        I have used the checklist to be sure my promotional element is complete

        My promotional element does its job by function and design


June 6 – 8, 2012
        My group is performing on June___
        I have read the performance rubric and know what is expected of me

June 12, 2012
Play Review
        I have followed the guideline
        I have used proper drama terms
        My review is respectful and precise
        Double-spaced, 12 pt. font

Self Evaluation

        I have answered each question with integrity


gramme:   10%                                                                Due:  ____________, 2012

___   attractive/appealing design

___   cast/character list (spelled correctly)

___  any additional information is interesting and informative or performs the function of thanking supporters/contributors

Overall Effectiveness:  The programme provides the audience member with the information he/she needs to know who is in which role, the name of the playwright, etc.

Poster:            10%                                                                Due:  _____________, 2012

___      lettering is large, clear, eye-catching

___      information is accurate

___      image(s)  is(are) thematically linked to the play

___      date, time, place, admission price, ticket purchase location clearly indicated

Overall effectiveness:  Does this poster make me want to come to the play?

Ticket:            10%                                                                Due: ____________, 2012

___ lettering is large, clear, eye-catching

___ information is accurate

___ ticket number, seat, price (student/adult?), date, time, location clearly indicated

Overall effectiveness:  does this ticket do everything it needs to do to ensure that the                                          person who bought it will get to the right place at the right                                                 time and that the house manager/ticket seller will have the                                          information they need?

Newspaper Advertisement:  10%                            Due: _______________, 2012

                                                                                                Received:  ____

___     lettering is large, clear, eye-catching

___      information is accurate

___      date, time, place, admission price, ticket purchase location clearly indicated

Overall effectiveness:  Does this advertisement answer all my questions about how to see this play?

Radio Advertisement Script/Recording 10%           Due:  _________________, 2012

                                                                                                Received:   _____

___  information is accurate

___  date, time, place, admission price, ticket purchase location clearly indicated

___ sound effects/music thematically linked to the play

___  sound effects/music do not detract from the essential information (I.e., you can                hear the information, it’s not drowned out by the music).              

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